For Practice Managers
After working with countless practice managers for more than 25 years, Diane McCabe understands the challenges you face when the owners ask you to take on recruiting…
The owners asked me to recruit a new associate. I’m busy managing our practices, how can you help me?
Ophthalmic recruiting in the age of social media and Internet postings can overwhelm you with an avalanche of CVs. Qualifying candidates is difficult; disqualifying is close to impossible. Recruiting today requires a suite of skills few practice managers were trained for: selling skills, negotiating skills and social media/marketing skills.
Click to schedule a complimentary, confidential conversation with our President, Diane McCabe.
sea-change helps busy practice managers/administrators…
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sea-change helps busy practice managers/administrators with a range of recruiting services, from a lot to a little.
A: Retained search: you outsource your recruiting effort to us for a fee, typically paid over the course of the project.
B: Contingent search w/expenses: you pay a slightly higher fee when you hire someone plus you pay your marketing and other expenses up front.
C: Contingent search: you pay our fee and reimburse our expenses at the time you hire someone.
D: Coaching: you outsource a little or a lot of the work to us, and we coach you on those steps you haven’t the time or tools to do. Our fees are based on the scope of work.